Endine Coinbase'i täitja Balaji Srinivasan lõpetab tegevuse $1 Miljoni Bitcoini panus

Coinbase'i endine tehnoloogiajuht, Balaji Srinivasan, lõpetas varakult kihlveo, et bitcoini hind tabab $1 juuni keskpaigaks USA hüperinflatsiooni ajal. dollarit. Srinivasan maksis kokku $1.5 miljonit, rohkem kui algselt…

Bitcoin Cash Smart Contracts ‘Comparable to Those on Ethereum’ Possible via May Upgrade, ‘1000x Efficiency Advantage’: Dev Jason Dreyzehner

Pro-freedom technologies advocate and software developer Jason Dreyzehner recently spoke with Bitcoin.com News via email about the upcoming Bitcoin Cash network upgrade on May 15. One of the most talked about improvement proposals set to go through on that date —…

Ethereum Price to Peak at $2,758 Sellel aastal, Then Fall to $2,342 by 2023’s End, Finder Experts Say

A recent survey made public by the online comparison platform Finder.com has revealed the predictions of 32 professionals in the fields of fintech and cryptocurrency. The specialists have expressed their conviction that ethereum, the second largest digital asset by market capitalization,…

Bitcoin, Ethereumi tehniline analüüs: ETH Back Above $2,100, as BTC Rebounds From 1-Week Low

Ethereum moved back above $2,100 teisipäeval, as markets reacted to the latest gross domestic product (GDP) report from China. Chinese GDP rose by 4.5% during the first quarter of the year, higher than the 4% expected. Bitcoin rebounded from earlier

USA inflatsiooniandmed leevendavad muret; Krüptomajandus hüppab 11% Kõrgem, samas kui turuanalüütikud ootavad Fedi järgmist otsust

USA. Tööministeerium avaldas tarbijahinnaindeksi (CPI) aruanne teisipäeval. Kuigi inflatsioon veebruaris aastatagusega võrreldes kasvas, tõus oli ootuspärane, ja kõigi artiklite aastane inflatsioonimäär oli 6%. Jahutav inflatsioon on mõningaid muresid leevendanud, aga…

Bitcoin, Ethereumi tehniline analüüs: BTC Above $20,000, ETH Beyond $1,400 laupäeval

Bitcoin rose back above $20,000 laupäeval, despite markets still being spooked by the collapse of yet another banking institution. Silicon Valley Bank was shut down by U.S. regulators on Friday, causing many institutions to lose access to capital. This includes

FTX võlgnikud teatavad viimases esitluses 8,9 miljardi dollari suurusest puudujäägist klientide vahendites ja väga segatud varades

märtsil 2, 2023, FTX-võlglased avaldasid oma teise sidusrühmade ettekande, mis sisaldab praeguseks kadunud krüptovaluutabörsi esialgset analüüsi’s puudujääke. Viimane esitlus paljastab olulise puudujäägi, nagu ligikaudu $2.2 miljardit ettevõttest’s koguvara leiti aastal…

Bitcoin, Ethereumi tehniline analüüs: BTC konsolideerub teisipäeval, Pärast 8-kuulist kasvu

Bitcoin retreated from earlier highs during Tuesday’s istungil, as sentiment shifted following a move to a multi-month high. Prices surged to their highest point since last August earlier in the day, prior to a red wave sweeping through the market. Ethereum…

Krüpto, Equity, Metal Markets Plunge as Tech Earnings Disappoint and US Economic Weakness Deepens

Equity markets began the day in the red following the latest corporate earnings reports from some of the worlds largest firms, including Microsoft. The tech giants recent conference call was considered disappointing, and earnings from firms such as Boeing, Texas Instruments,…